Too afraid to Make career changes? It’s time to embrace possibility over fear
Fear is a powerful, deeply ingrained emotion. It is fast to arrive and slow to leave I have found. In Brene Brown’s Atlas of The Heart, fear belongs to the category Places We Go When Things Are Uncertain. If fear is related to uncertainty it is no wonder we feel it when considering a career change because this is usually completely unknown! There’s the unknown, the fear of failure, the fear of judgment, the fear of change … oh god just writing all of this is dropping my energy levels. Fear can cloud your thinking, dampen your motivation and worst of all become a pattern and all this manifests as self-doubt, procrastination, or even paralysis and keeps you from reaching your full potential, a full expression of yourself.
Fears can create mental blocks that affect our judgment and stifle our creativity. We can feel uncomfortable and over time this conflict in us (desire change but feel massive fear) can lead to avoidance behaviors, where we push away tasks or decisions that trigger our fears. For example, fear of failure or making the wrong choice if we change careers might cause us to procrastinate or avoid researching new career possibilities. Fear of rejection might stop us from pursuing a promotion or changing organisations.
Plenty of clients I work with stagnate in this spot, afraid to move in any direction at all and drained of energy. Then it becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, and they justify their lack of action with the fears they have (e.g., that industry will be taken over by AI anyway) and get stuck in a loop.
As someone whose professional purpose is to help people see their unique potential, when fear wins over and denies career possibilities I feel like life has been denied in some small way.
So how does one turn away from fear and towards possibility?
The good news is that fear is not insurmountable. Here are some strategies to begin unblocking fear and reconnecting with the possibilities that lie ahead:
Acknowledge Your Fears
The first step in overcoming fear is to acknowledge it. Take time to identify the specific fears that are holding you back. Write them down and explore them. Often, just bringing these fears into the light can diminish their power.
Shift Your Mindset
Fear thrives in a fixed mindset, where we believe our abilities are static and unchangeable. By cultivating a growth mindset, we can begin to see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than threats. Change the way you are talking to yourself and commit to a mindset of growth and possibility.
Break Down Goals
Fear can make big goals seem overwhelming. By breaking down your goals into smaller chunks you can get some wins, build momentum and gradually overcome the fears that are holding you back. What are the smaller things you can do now to move towards you bigger goal?
Practice Being Kind to Yourself:
This old chestnut! Be kind to yourself when fear arises. Instead of harsh self-criticism, practice self-kindness. Understand that fear is a natural response that is trying to protect you in some way, but that you have the power to choose what you focus on. Treat yourself with the same kindness and encouragement you would offer a friend, partner or your own child.
Visualise Success
Imagination is a powerful tool for overcoming fear. Spend time visualising yourself achieving your goals. Imagine the feelings you will feel when all this has worked out beautifully and connect as much as possible to this picture.
When we choose to focus on the possibilities rather than the obstacles, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences.
I know this is hard, I struggle with this all the time, but you ultimately have a choice – to focus on the stuff that could go wrong or on the possibility of moving towards a more fulfilling, aligned, satisfying career.
Book a free chat with me if you feel ready to make changes and could use some support.