6 hours total. 2 x 1hr coaching sessions + 4 hours of my time offline (this is flexible and can be a combo that works for you).

Web conferencing details provided upon confirmation.


Looking for a new job but overwhelmed or not having success?  

  • Know how to break down key selection criteria

  • Understand principles of written job applications and what you need to focus on to get noticed

  • Allow me to develop your resume in an agreed style

  • Refresh your LinkedIn profile to ensure it reflects what you want professionally and includes keywords for the jobs you want

  • Prepare for interviews with some 1:1 interview coaching!

  • Know clearly what you need to do moving forward to secure work


  • Spend 60 mins with you to understand your experiences, skills, interests, goals and tune in to who are you and what you are looking for

  • Provide you with a refreshed, targeted resume

  • Update your LinkedIn profile

  • Help you break down a job application and plan your response (so you are equipped moving forward)

  • Work with you on a job search strategy

  • Help you feel ready and confident for job interviews

  • Be a guide for you on this process and how to plan it.


  • “Rosie, I start my job in a few weeks. Thank you for all your help. I truly appreciate you."

    Justine, 30ish, Jobseeking Breakthrough + Executive Coaching

  • "My experience in having Rosie as my career coach has been extraordinary and rewarding. She made feel at ease and helped me understand more ‘about me’. A professionally written CV and lengthy conversations preparing for interviews led to 2 job offers! Highly recommended. A lot to gain if you’re looking at designing your career."

    Norma, 50ish, Jobseeking Breakthrough

  • "I am more than happy with everything! Thank you so much for all the help. you were a vivid listener and very curious about what I've done - to understand exactly what my main skills were."

    Santiago, 20ish, Jobseeking Breakthrough Package